Monday, March 9, 2009

A Bright Light in the Failing Economy

We have all been reading and hearing about how television stations around the country are filing for bankruptcy and have to be bought by banks. We have also been hearing and reading about local advertising on the outs and stations losing money hand over foot. But there is one place where the television stations are doing just fine, even great.


Making More News and Sales in Savannah

TVNEWSDAY, Mar 9 2009, 2:51 PM ET

Just when networks and station groups are closing down news bureaus and entire newscasts, the "Little Stations That Could" — New Vision's duopoly in Savannah, Georgia (DMA 96) — are busy expanding their turf. They just opened a combined sales and news bureau in the fastest-growing part of their DMA...

Full Article:

These stations are thriving in one of the fastest growing areas in the country. They are expanding, getting new equipment, and learning how to have a better business model. It talks about having a more permanent staff, and a better working environment. In the article it discusses how if you have a standard that you must uphold, business will come to you. They discuss how if you air stories about local events, and places in that area than those businesses will want to advertise with you. Although this town and it's stations seem to be almost an annomly in today's market. It is good to know that not everything is going downhill.


Greg Pitts said...

Do understand, this is the exception. And, even this station is putting on a brave face. Read the article and you'll see they've only recently started to gain ratings/viewers in their market. I'm glad they're expanding--and even that is directed to an economic growth area in the market--but it is one small step in one small market.

Nicole said...

It's good to be able to see that there is some good going on even with the state of our economy. I think it's great that a small company is able to expand even in these times. Though, it will be interesting to actually see how they do depending on where our economy is headed. I don't think anyone is safe these days.