Saturday, January 24, 2009

Making Every Second, or $100,000, Count

Hey guys, it's Adam Kimble, one of the lead bloggers for this week. I found this article out of the New York Times, and it's talking about the Super Bowl and ad costs. I figured what better of a way to kick off the sales discussion than with the one of the ultimate television sales! This was pretty interesting because despite the economy at this current moment in time, it is still costing $3 million for every 30-second spot. That is a hefty price, and is surprisingly larger than last year's cost for an ad. However, given the popularity of the Super Bowl and the size of the audience, businesses are still shelling out the money. As one businessman said, "what people want right now is to step back, pause, and refresh a little." Not to mention that many advertisers are kicking off campaigns and looking for a solid start, which leads them right down this path. No matter how you look at it, you can't shake the stigma of Super Bowl ads...

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