Thursday, February 26, 2009

Social Networking and Advertisements

Practically everyone (who's anyone) is on some sort of social networking site like Facebook or Myspace and it can be tricky to find ways to tap into this massive amount of users. According to a recent article on MediaPost, 43% of everyone who is online uses some sort of social networking. This is an amazing amount of people to advertise to and as this study points out, those social networkers are more likely to shop and spend more online than their peers. But it is tricky to get these users to actually look at your advertisement. This is why advertisers have to find even more creative ways to get this group of people to look, click and follow through. But if one can actually achieve this, then your clients business will boom.

Advertising To Social Networkers Tricky
by Jack Loechner, 13 minutes ago

A recent study by InsightExpress, exploring participation trends across social networks, as well as how receptive their members are to advertising, found that 43% of the online population reports using a social networking site. And, no matter their age or number of profiles, social networkers see ad

full article:

This article has a really awesome break down chart of what social networking people do online and the percent that do it compared to those who do not belong to a social networking site.


The King's Lady said...

What I find striking and of major relevance in this article is the issue of the actual ads on social networking sites and how they are supposed to be "executed with great care".
Well, the only online social network I am hugely a part of is FaceBook. And yes, they do need to do a major "ReVamp" when it comes to their internet ads. I speak for myself and I believe many college students when I say that those ads are ridiculously annoying they make me want to log off FaceBook. Sometimes they are downright disturbing! (e.g babies with 2-3 pairs of eyes posing as IQ tests).
Many times, I do not even care to know what the ads are about because they most times, they are so pointless and stupid. I think the first step in the right direction will be to try and focus on RELEVANCE. Based on such criteria as network, age, etc. FaceBook can/should customize ads that will suit people's pages. I'm guessing they are doing a little bit of that already though.

Unknown said...

Most social networking services are web-based and provide means for users to interact over the Internet, such as e-mail and instant messaging.