Wednesday, October 13, 2010

FCC's proposal to prevent the unexpected expensive cellphone bill

The FCC is proposal tomorrow (Thursday) that all cell phone companies provide users with a way to inform them when they are reaching their usage limit. The plan includes either a text or voice message that will contact the user when their minutes or time are getting close to being up. I see this proposal as a great idea for all cell phone users. Since there are thousands of dollars a month in overages as well as roaming charges. The proposal also offers a plan to let users know when they are being charged for roaming, etc.
According to a November 2009 study by the Government Accountability Office it found that one in three users of wireless phones and data networks had received unexpected charges on their bills. This is a large percentage, which led the FCC to take a look into a method of preventing the users.
As for those cell phone companies, they are not in support of it. It is understandable that those charges are in the long run helping their companies, but they are hurting the customers. Verizon Wireless stated that they have different methods already in place for their users to prevent them going over on minutes, roaming, data, etc. Those methods include checking it on the internet, calling one of their phone numbers to find out monthly minutes used.
I think this solution by the FCC could very much so help those users that are not willing to check online, or call the phone number to check their status. This will give those cell phone users a reason not to complain about any expensive bill that is due to excessive minutes.

To ready more about this proposal go to:


Juan Estrada said...

This is a great way to let people know what is going on with their minutes. This companies just want us to go over the limit to get more dollars that is where the real business is at. in addition, i hate how the person who receives calls also has to pay every minute. in some countries the person who calls is the only one whose minutes get deducted.

Juan Estrada said...
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