Thursday, October 28, 2010

Get your Marijuana domain name before it's too late!

Many of us may not always think about that website you are typing in in the profittable aspect, but for one Californian he sees it as big money! Kevin Faler was a former police officer, but now he has purchased over 1,000 Marijuana Internet domain names. Since California is the first U.S. state voting on whether or not to legalize it's use, Faler took this opportunity and ran with it.

If you think about it he made a very smart decision. When people go to search on the internet, usually those website addresses we remember are those that either stand out or a simple containing the subject of what we are looking for in the domain name. This is why he decided to purchase name such as and Both of these names stand out and also have the subject of Marijuana in them.

Although it might seem like a lot of money purchasing literally 1,000 different domain names, the cost to keep them running is not that expensive. He is only paying about $10 dollars a year for each address and he is planning on an unbelievable pay back with time. Purchasing domain names and thinking ahead is what brings in the dollars at the end of the day.

To read more about his story


Juan Estrada said...

As usual this type of crazy ideas will end up making tons of dollar in the future.

Marijuana/Cannabis Domain Names said...

Nice to read about this! I also started building a collection of marijuana/cannabis related domain names, as I think they will be valuable in the years to come, especially if Google loosens up their policies with regards to marijuana-related advertising. Thanks for the post. -M