Blogs promote the exchange of ideas. I've used this blog for several semesters to get students talking about media industry topics. Articles you read, post and comment about should deal with media programming topics, and this is a wide-open arena—programming developments, traditional and new distribution channels, technology developments, job and career matters, regulation (FCC?), program performance--including the new fall television season. I hope you’re beginning to get the picture.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Awesome congress. Awesome.
The Soup: 300th Episode
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Microsoft to Create Its Own TV Service, Sources Say
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Harry Potter Hits #1
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Do You Love A TV Show...That Everyone Else Hates...
Conan O'Brien Reclaims Late-Night Spot
Friday, November 26, 2010
Which Movie Are You Seeing This Weekend???
Kanye, Nicki Minaj Could Have Strong First Week Sales
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Pop Star and Teen Heartthrob Justin Bieber To Appear on the Next Episode of BET's "Being Terry Kennedy," Tuesday, November 23 at 10 P.M. Read more: B
Monday, November 15, 2010
If You work for Disney and Text & Drive, You May be Fired
If you care about your job and want a paycheck, then sending and reading messages can wait.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Jeff Gaspin Leaving NBC
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Shalit Leaves 'Today Show' After 40 Years
AT&T Launches Mobile App for Windows Phone 7
Goodbye UnderCovers
Sad to say but NBC has cancelled Undercovers. This was a highly anticipated show but viewers did not like it as much as NBC thought. According to the article "Undercovers finished a distant fourth in the Wednesday 8 p.m. hour with just 5.91 million viewers and a 1.3 rating/4 share among adults 18-49 on Nov. 3." After December 1st the show will no longer be on air. I personally think that people like the show but did not have time to get into it. I think that NBC should have given it more time. They already cut other shows just as My Generation and The Whole Truth.
Monday, November 8, 2010
AMC Resurrects "The Walking Dead" for a Second Season Read more: Breaking News - AMC Resurrects "The Walking Dead" for a Second Season | TheFutonCri
AMC announced today the renewal of "The Walking Dead" for a 13-episode second season. Since debuting on Sunday, October 31, "The Walking Dead" has broken ratings records, with the series reaching more Adults 18-49 than any other show in the history of cable television! Now I've never watched the show before but that outstanding statistic really makes me want to! That's a pretty big deal in my opinion."The 'Dead' has spread!" said Charlie Collier, President, AMC. "No other cable series has ever attracted as many Adults 18-49 as 'The Walking Dead.' This reaffirms viewers' hunger for premiumtelevisionon basic cable. We are so proud to be bringing back 'The Dead' again, across the globe." From reading this I would say that if you haven't seen "The Walking Dead" on AMC you might want to do it in a hurry before they change their minds for whatever reason.
Read More:
Adreanne' Humphrey
HTC 7 Surround launches on AT&T
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Fox Attempts to Block Cablevision Users From Watching Its Shows on, Angering Viewers
Charlie Sheen and his problems.
Television Station gets pulled from DirecTV
Sunday, October 31, 2010
DISH Network and Fox Networks Reach Comprehensive Programming Agreement Read more: Breaking News - DISH Network and Fox Networks Reach Comprehensive
DISH Network Corporation and Fox Networks, today announced a wide-ranging distribution agreement to provide the third-largest video distributor in the United States with continued access to programming from Fox Broadcasting and Fox local television stations in major cities. The agreement also included carriage of FX, National Geographic Channel, and Fox's 19 regional sports networks, which were restored for DISH Network viewers Friday. I think this is a great idea, as long as they keep doing new things and not just staying comfortable with where they are. I'm sure they'll do great together in this venture."After prolonged negotiations to reach a fair deal, we're pleased to enter into a long term agreement with Fox and to assure our customers that they can continue to enjoy these channels," said Dave Shull, Senior Vice President of Programming for DISH Network. "We thank our customers, our retail and channel partners, and our employees for their support through these negotiations, which we believe resulted in a fair deal that reinforces DISH Network's position as the best value in television."
Read more:
Adreanne' HumphreyOprah Being sued for Plagiarism
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Get your Marijuana domain name before it's too late!
If you think about it he made a very smart decision. When people go to search on the internet, usually those website addresses we remember are those that either stand out or a simple containing the subject of what we are looking for in the domain name. This is why he decided to purchase name such as and Both of these names stand out and also have the subject of Marijuana in them.
Although it might seem like a lot of money purchasing literally 1,000 different domain names, the cost to keep them running is not that expensive. He is only paying about $10 dollars a year for each address and he is planning on an unbelievable pay back with time. Purchasing domain names and thinking ahead is what brings in the dollars at the end of the day.
To read more about his story
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
ABC Cancels "The Whole Truth"
ABC announced that they have canceled the show "The Whole Truth". It will on ly have 13 episodes then be done. They are keeping many shows though. Those shows are "No Ordinary Family", "Better with You", "Detroit 1-8-7", and "Brothers & Sisters".
Some of this is surprising based on the slow building ratings of a couple of the shows. But ABC stated that since they are growing, they will be keeping them to see where they may lead.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Naked Reality Show Begins Casting -- Catch Is, You Have to Stay Naked for 30-Day Shoot
Thank you, don’t come back again!
American culture — or the lack of it — is the target of some jokes. The problem with Todd’s gradual adjustment to his surroundings is that to be realistic, it has to end. Eventually, he’ll stop having comical misunderstandings based on cultural differences. Unfortunately, the show’s producers have probably drawn up plans to drag that story out for at least five seasons. It’s hard to see how they’re going to avoid the usual traps of a sitcom.
For now, however, “Outsourced” likely has a few more good episodes in the can. But viewers who get hooked should be forewarned that the networks are as quick as any other corporation to give subpar performers the pink slip.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
NBC Orders Full-Season Pickups for New Series "The Event," "Law & Order: Los Angeles" and "Outsourced" Read more: Breaking News - NBC Orders Full-Sea
NBC has decided to give full-season pickups to 3 of its new Fall series'. "The Event," "Law and Order; LA" and "Outsourced." has given full-season pickups to three of its new Fall 2010-11 series, "The Event," "Law & Order: Los Angeles" and "Outsourced." I'm not exactly sure how many episodes each of these shows have aired but it seems a little early in the game to make this decision but I really liked the episode I saw of the event. I believe this is a wise decision on their part and the have all the ratings to back up there decisions so I think they will continue to do well."We are pleased with the quality of 'The Event,' 'Law & Order: Los Angeles' and 'Outsourced,' and feel they are an important part of helping to re-build our schedule and our studio pipeline," said Bromstad. "We believe in these new series and the creative auspices behind them." Keep up the good work is what I say to NBC.
Adreanne' Humphrey
Read More:
Fox Stations Buy Syndie Rights to 'Modern Family'
ABC’s “Modern Family,” the No. 1 sitcom in the 18-49 demo, was sold to Fox stations in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Dallas, Washington, D.C., Houston, Minneapolis, Phoenix, Orlando and Baltimore.
The syndication is prepared to air with Fox in the year 2013. It is said to be adding to the "A-list" television shows such as "Big Bang Theory" and "Dr.Oz."
Advertising drives programming
As you compare prices, look at the price differences for various shows. For example, when "Dancing with the Stars" ends, the price per ad for the replacement show drops and the audience will likely drop also. But, the revenue could be just as high or higher because the replacement show is cheaper to license from the distribution company. STILL, the networks, especially now with so many cable channels, must be mass appeal platforms so they have perhaps an even greater need for broad appeal programming. Ads on "30 Rock" (See previous post) cost about $135,000 each. Spots in "Big Bang Theory" cost $195,000.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
"30 Rock"
What do you think about this? huh huh???
TV Ratings
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Say What? Sesame Street Goes Viral!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Finally Something to Cheer about on the News
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
FCC's proposal to prevent the unexpected expensive cellphone bill
According to a November 2009 study by the Government Accountability Office it found that one in three users of wireless phones and data networks had received unexpected charges on their bills. This is a large percentage, which led the FCC to take a look into a method of preventing the users.
As for those cell phone companies, they are not in support of it. It is understandable that those charges are in the long run helping their companies, but they are hurting the customers. Verizon Wireless stated that they have different methods already in place for their users to prevent them going over on minutes, roaming, data, etc. Those methods include checking it on the internet, calling one of their phone numbers to find out monthly minutes used.
I think this solution by the FCC could very much so help those users that are not willing to check online, or call the phone number to check their status. This will give those cell phone users a reason not to complain about any expensive bill that is due to excessive minutes.
To ready more about this proposal go to:
Facebook: The Movie
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Google Dabbles in Robotics With Self-Driving Cars
Google Dabbles in Robotics With Self-Driving Cars
While it has been rumored for some time, Google (Nasdaq: GOOG) announced Sunday is has been testing self-driving cars. The company equipped six Toyota Priuses and an Audi TT with technology that enabled a vehicle to drive from Google's Mountain View, Calif., campus to its Santa Monica office. It then moved on to Hollywood Boulevard. In all, Google has sent its auto-cars more than 140,000 miles -- including along the Pacific Coast Highway and across the Golden Gate Bridge.
Google notified local police of its testing program and insisted there was a clean-record driver in each vehicle ready to take over if the robot technology decided to go rogue. That may not always have been the case, though. At least one driver claims to have caught a Google cardriving unmanned and posted a video on YouTube to prove it.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
NEW 4G for Verizion
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Martha Stewart Struggling on Hallmark
Sleeper success put down for good.
In its first week on the air, My Generation attracted 5.2 million total viewers, for week two the show attracted.815 million viewers. ABC has now canceled My Generation and they’re pulling the show from the schedule immediately. Production on the series has been shut down. It’s unknown how many episodes have been completed but it doesn’t seem likely that the network will bother releasing the un-aired ones.
It seems like every time I find a show that is groundbreaking and keeps me on the edge of my seat gets canceled. I like smart television that keeps me thinking and doesn’t need a lot of action and stupid jokes to keep your attention. Guess that is why all the shows I love get canceled. Some of my favorites are Studio 60, Mercy, and My Generation. I think I’ll go get a lobotomy and watch Hawaii Five-O That show will last a while.
Monday, October 4, 2010
MTV's Groundbreaking Docu-Series "16 and Pregnant" Returns with Nine New Episodes
MTV announced that it will air nine new episodes of "16 and pregnant"! I have to say I'm pretty excited to hear this.With statistics showing that three in ten girls in the U.S. will get pregnant before the age of 20, each episode will take an intimate look inside the challenges of being a pregnant teenager. Additionally, research released by the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy finds that TV programs incorporating teenage pregnancy, like MTV's series, make young people think more about the risks of pregnancy and how to prevent it. I know that this season will be just as successful as the previous seasons if not more since it seems like they haven't had a new season in a while. I know I'll be watching it this season and I'm surprised at how successful the show has been and with the follow up with Teen Mom I think that this show is definitely a hit.
Read More:
Adreanne' Humphrey
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Best communication career ever!
UN plan for 'alien ambassador' Oh yeah! One of the most laughable jobs you will ever hear about. A Malaysian astrophysicist named Mazlan Othman, is expected to be appointed as the United Nation’s space ambassador for extraterrestrial contact affairs. That gives her the right to make the first official response to any travelling aliens.
I can so do this job! What do you guys think? Is the world getting dumber or is that not the best job ever!?
Fring Brings 3G Video Calls to iPhone 4 — Are Networks Ready?
Fring has updated its voice-over-IP client, bringing support for the front-facing camera on Apple’s iPhone 4. Unlike the handset’s native FaceTime client, which is restricted to video calls over Wi-Fi and only to other iPhone 4 devices, the new Fring client supports video calls over 3G and calls to non-Apple devices such as those running Android and Symbian S60. With widespread platform support and 1.7 million iPhone 4s sold in the first three days of availability, Fring’s software is fast opening up the floodgates for mainstream video over cellular wireless.Unfortunately, carriers had better get ready for an uptick in video-calling and video transfer in general. A recent Pew report indicates a near-doubling of consumers recording mobile video in the past year. Capturing and uploading such video is just a start — once the user-base of clients like Fring, Skype and FaceTime reach critical mass, handset owners could be flooding mobile pipes with video calls. Indeed, our own GigaOM Pro research report on video calling (subscription required) estimates that the mobile video chat market will have more than 143 million customers by 2015. Let’s hope the carriers fulfill their planned 4G upgrades and embrace high-quality video calling on the faster, new networks.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Celebrity Endorsement Strategies
The ability to spark sales by enticing consumers to learn more about the brand... LeBron James is one of the top three paid athletes in the world and generates a brand halo.
The means to promote a unique, relevant and sustainable brand attribute that might be hard to attain otherwise. Nike's rapid success in the golf category was chiefly because golfers wanted to lay claim to the number-one golfer in the world.
The option to build reciprocity into the partnership by supporting the celebrity endorser's brand. Lady Gaga knows how to sell, and business publications praise her business smarts as she masters social media and expands her brand beyond music.
The grounds for innovating the product/service offering. Rihanna's "Umbrella" song hit big at the Grammys, and her designs for Totes' umbrellas hit big at the retailer.
The challenge to a preconceived notion. Givenchy used Justin Timberlake's endorsement for the women's perfume Play for Her.
The collaboration that can impact the business model of the partnership. A noteworthy example is Sean Combs taking a 50/50 ownership in Diageo's ailing grape vodka, Ciroc.
We receive more than 3,000 commercial images a day; our subconscious absorbs more than 150 images and roughly 30 reach our conscious mind. Practice has it that if you use a celebrity-endorsement strategy, you dramatically accelerate the potential for your brand to reach the conscious mind of the consumer. What about the role and risks of social media? Does leveraging social media represent the next evolution for celebrity endorsement and brand advocacy? 95% of social-media users believe a company should have a presence in social media, which can get the brand into the conversation because social media enables consumers to adopt new behaviors.
Disney To Get More Cash from TV Stations
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Football Still a Ratings Winner
Monday, September 20, 2010
As season 11 of Dancing with the stars begins it won't be the same as every other season. will present multiple features on line for fans to be able to participate in and enjoy. Fans will be able to virtually go backstage and see what everyone else doesn't get to see. Also they will be able to chat along with other fans of the show every week when the show airs. Also available on this dancing season, in addition to full episodes, are exclusive video content, "Dancing Live Chat Party," "Backstage at Dancing with the Stars!" The videos will be available on as well as HULU, Youtube and ABC Mobile. An extended version of this weekly series is also available exclusively on AT&T mobile devices. I think that this is a great idea and a good extension of the show because I feel like some people have lost interest in the show since it has been on for so long and I think that this is a good way to get more people involved in the show.
The small screen won’t stay off the big screen!
The Social Network is an upcoming 2010 drama film directed by David Fincher about the founding of the social networking website Facebook. The film features an ensemble cast, which consists of Jesse Eisenberg, Andrew Garfield, Justin Timberlake, Brenda Song, Max Minghella, Rooney Mara and Armie Hammer.
The film was written by Aaron Sorkin and adapted from Ben Mezrich's 2009 nonfiction book The Accidental Billionaires. The film is set for an October 1, 2010 release. None of the Facebook staff, including founder Mark Zuckerberg, will be involved with the project. One of the co-founders, Eduardo Saverin, was a consultant for Mezrich's book.
At least it is written by Aaron Sorkin. I love everything that Aaron Sorkin does but I don’t know if I want to promote this movie. Don’t get me wrong I am updating my status on Facebook as we speak but come on! Do you remember when movies were good? I know I know think way back to your child hood. No, you got nothing? What do I mean by good? Well, hey what about movies about human interactions. A group of friends going on an adventure to find a dead body and ended up finding themselves! Ok not the best example but why are we watching movies about the internet. When did the line get so blurred that we are online talking about movies and going to movies about what is online?
I am just ranting about this but I consider myself a student of film and I grew up watching classics and I have studied the classic here. I say classics I mean good films not about the internet. To see a movie coming out like this kinda makes me sad. At least it isn’t Dude, where’s my car?
Thursday, September 16, 2010
More Apple Ideas
Look out for more Gadgets this Holiday Season
What is it that people want today? Well if you look around everyone has been changing to portable/hand-held devices and technologies. The most prominent items this holiday season will be touch screen computers and electronic readers.
So for Best Buy the nation's largest electronics retailer, their Chief Executive has been working on how to design their stores in away that will draw in their customers to these gadgets that everyone is apparently wanting. This Christmas they are planning to showcase items such as the Apple Inc.'s iPad tablet computer and Inc's Kindle e-reader. They are also looking to expand their ipad's to all of their Best Buy locations.
However Best Buy is not the only retailer looking to bring in these gadgets, Staples, Inc. a place usually known for office supplies is planning to bring in the Kindle. They believe since most of their clientele are business oriented people, it will go over big.
These are some of the changes we can be expecting these upcoming months in our electronic retailers. It should not be a surprise that these are the types of electronics that are being showcase, since this is what people are being drawn to. They are easier to use and more practical. Those things that are stationary are just not realistic anymore. Our generation is always on-the-go. This is where we rely on technology to do the same.
To read more check out:
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
YouTube Live!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Google instance... oh too late.
I know my post are longer and better most of the time but I think this is important to know. Think about it. Google knows what YOU want! Google a TV show maybe blog about it. Say it stinks or you love it. Then Google will log the information. Google knows what shows you like. They sell that info to the networks and the network decides what to do to your show. Is this a good thing or a bad thing?
Just think about it GOOGLE KNOWS ALL!
In the 'Event' NBC Does Poorly This Fall, Blame This Show
NBC is getting a milti-million dollar advertising campaign to get people anxious to see the pilot of their new series, The Event, which is starring Blair Underwood. They are advertising this in magazines, tv, & radio including Underwood doing his own promoting by talking about the show on his Facebook & Twitter. The advertising for the show is also keeping a mystery as to what it is about and what the "event" is. Apparently, in one of the screenings of the show, someone compared the show to NBC's Lost, which ended in the spring season. Will all of NBC & Blair Underwood's promoting & campaigning pay off in the end? I believe that the pilot will have big ratings but as for the rest of the series, it will be a flop. Usually when anyone makes a big deal out of a show, it do not stay on the air very long. We shall see in the fall. If you want to join in the show airs on Sept. 20th at 8pm.
Why is it that we are so hooked on reality shows
These shows rely on the viewers popularity and the best part about them is they cost half as much as scripted shows to make. This is what allows them to be produced more frequently, thus being the reason why there are so many reality shows on television today. Since the cost is that much less this allows more reality shows to be on TV, giving people the option to pick and choose which ones are to their liking.
Although we may get the same opportunity with scripted shows by getting to decide which one to watch, with reality shows it is a more make or break situation with their season airing. Since they do provide us with an escape from the world we live in and create 'real life' experiences this is intriguing to so many making viewers more drawn in to reality television.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Windows Phone aims to bury its past (and iPhone)
More and more people are leaving behind those old cellphones that only could make calls and people now realized how useful the smartphones are. In addition, the most successful smart-phones companies lately have been apple with the I-phone and blackberry company. As an smart-phone user i find Black berry to be the best. however, Microsoft is coming up with their own new O.S. and they believe this will terminate the popularity of the other systems that people already use.
"Microsoft's Windows Phone team staged a mock funeral for the iPhone and BlackBerry on Friday", a sign of both Redmond's ambition and the immensity of the challenge facing the new phone operating system, which is slated to hit the market next month.
"The Microsoft event on campus was an internal event to celebrate the finalization of Windows Phone 7 software," a company representative said in a statement.
Handset makers including LG, Samsung, and HTC are among those that will initially offer Windows Phone 7-based devices, but others, including HP, have scaled back or canceled Windows Phone 7 plans. Microsoft is expected to use a huge ad blitz to help tout the arrival of the new operating system, which includes features such as a the mobile version of Office, Xbox Live gaming, and the ability to play subscription music using the Zune service.
Read more at;posts
More and more people are leaving behind those old cellphones that only could make calls and people now realized how useful the smartphones are. In addition, the most successful smart-phones companies lately have been apple with the I-phone and blackberry company. As an smart-phone user i find Black berry to be the best. however, Microsoft is coming up with their own new O.S. and they believe this will terminate the popularity of the other systems that people already use.
"Microsoft's Windows Phone team staged a mock funeral for the iPhone and BlackBerry on Friday", a sign of both Redmond's ambition and the immensity of the challenge facing the new phone operating system, which is slated to hit the market next month.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
MTV Networks and Sprint are joining forces to bring TV programming to mobile phones
MTV and Sprint are planning to deliver music, comedy and television segments to Spring PCS subscribers starting in October. The programming that will be available on the phones will consist of different MTV channels, including Comedy Central, VH1 and Nickelodeon, MTV said. They also said that they want to air content exclusively for the Sprint PCS mobile customers.The programming will be available through Sprint PCS Vision Multimedia Services, a wireless service that enables customers to view video on their phones. The cell phone industry is confident that these type of phones will be in high demand and I have to agree. TV will be basically unnecessary if everyone has these phones, but you also have to think about how much it's going to cost to buy the phone and to pay the monthly bill, but for some people it may be worth it.Earlier this week, MTV, a division of Viacom, said it planned to distribute music videos to mobile phones in a licensing deal with Warner Music Group. The company is also working with VeriSign to study trends in mobile entertainment.Sprint is working with Walt Disney to develop phone programming from the ESPN sports network as well as Disney entertainment for children.
Are we ready for digital radio?
Monday, September 6, 2010
Is US Weekly glamorizing Teen Mothers?
Sunday, September 5, 2010
I'll attack your show!
Here is the review and the link to the video of the review:
•This Bravia features Sony's new "monolithic" design, which makes this one of the sleekest TV we've seen.
•It measures just under 3" thick.
•Some inputs are on the back and some are on the side (like 2 HDMIs), so you might not have to drill holes in your wall if you wall-mount it.
•The monolith design also gives the whole TV a uniform feel.
•Not only is this TV 3D, but also can up-convert normal 2D content to 3D.
•It also have streaming Bravia content, all of which works well.
•Sony's 3D is good but not the best we've seen.
•The ghosting of a second image (or crosstalk) is visible some of the time, and the glasses flicker just enough to annoy you, but it's not all the time.
•It's not better than Panasonic's 3D but definitely more watchable than Samsung's.
•The 2D to 3D conversion was also interesting, but not necessarily something you'd want to watch for long periods.
•The Bravia Internet content is always something we really like, because there's so much of it. The interface is also very easy to use.
•Somehow, the dynamic contrast ratio is not 5 million or 7 million to 1, but infinite, which translates into an amazing picture.
•This has some of the smoothest picture quality we've seen, meaning that fast moving scenes look amazing because of the details you can pick out.
•Blacks are incredibly deep and colors are vivid and accurate.
•Our one complaint is there is a little bit of washout from the LED backlight in darker scenes.
•Other than that, it's practically perfect.
•4 Seals of Approval out of 5.
Also start watching G4 and stay in the loop.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Ad War: Google Places vs. Facebook Places
Even though Facebook has a great idea by using Facebook Places to get the advertising of self-owned businesses in the local area, I do believe that users of Facebook would not want their every move shown through their updates. It may feel like a small invasion of privacy for the user.
Article Site
Print or Pixels?
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Rose O'Donnell's New Talk Show
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Tosh.0 bashing the Competition
Monday, August 30, 2010
Discovery: Oprah will have her OWN show
Smart television vs. the rest
I know what you all are thinking. Gee, I wonder what the new fall lineup is for the big four? I know I was. I have to say I was very delighted with NBC and ABC. It looks like good stuff is on the way. I have all but given up on FOX. FOX is like that one thing in your house that just keeps breaking until you decide to just leave it broke. I bet that is what the show writers at FOX did. My biggest hope was that CBS would do some ground breaking show that I would flip my lid for and I would race home to watch or check Hulu every five minutes to see if it was up. I don’t know if I was disappointed or what but the big show that is coming to CBS is Bleep my dad says. That’s right, Bleep.
I didn’t know what to make of it. A show that is based off of a Twitter account? No, CBS why would you take your smart programming and flush it away? William Shatner is playing the dad? He goes from cheese ball space captain, to police officer, to lawyer, then to a mean dad that wears a fanny pack. Way to go Bill! I might be being way to harsh on CBS and this show will be smart and entertaining but I doubt it.
I know what I will be watching though. Mr. Sunshine. This is what I am excited about. My words cannot do it justice though so here is a copied and pasted version from I underlined all the important names. If you remember Studio 60 on the sunset strip and love it you will love this I bet. Also if you loved Studio 60 we should be friends.
“Matthew Perry stars as Ben Donovan, the self-involved manager of a second-rate San Diego sports arena who begins to re-evaluate his life on his 40th birthday. Mr. Sunshine stars Matthew Perry (Friends) as Ben, Allison Janney (The West Wing) as Crystal, Andrea Anders as Alice, James Lesure as Alonzo, Nate Torrence as Roman and Portia Doubleday as Heather. Matthew Perry, Alex Barnow, Marc Firek, Jamie Tarses and Thomas Schlamme are executive producers.”
So there is my little rant about dumb television and my praise of Mr. Sunshine (smart television.) I have links to Bleep my dad says twitter page and the show trailer also Mr. Sunshine’s page on at the bottom.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Humphrey's blog
If Couric Doesn't Re-Sign With CBS, Zucker's Interested In Having Her Back NY Times
CBS's Katie Couric's contract is coming to an end and there has been talk of what she will do when her contract is up. CBS is in 3rd place when it comes to television ratings and there has been talk of Couric leaving the station.NBC C.E.O and president Jeff Zucker says that he would be happy to have her back at NBC and that they would consider rehiring her if she became a "free agent". I remember the big deal that went on when she first decided to switch to CBS and how much money they offered her and I'm wondering if NBC will be willing to negotiate pay if she chooses to go back to NBC. It was said that there's also talk of her moving to CNN. My thing is that if they see that she didn't really make a difference in the ratings on CBS then why not try something new. I feel like they could hire a new fresh face that the public would like and possibly gain them higher ratings not to mention not having to pay millions of dollars to the newbie. From what the article was saying though basically Couric has a lot of options and will not be at a loss for a job, which is really good for her. It looks like Miss Couric is in demand these days.Thursday, May 6, 2010
Is the Long Tail affecting American Idol?
The last time "American Idol" endured ratings so low, Brian Dunkleman was the co-host, George W. Bush was president, and Simon Cowell was just some jerk from Britain.
But on Tuesday, with the show's contestant field whittled to five, "Idol" dropped to its lowest overall audience since August 27, 2002, its first season on the air.
The Fox reality competition show was watched by an average of only 17.1 million viewers, according to Nielsen Fast Nationals, and was actually beaten in that benchmark by ABC's "Dancing With the Stars" (averaged 19.6 million watchers).
Fox officials were quick to point out that "Idol" won the night in terms of the all-important adults 18-49 demographic, scoring a 6.0 rating/18 share, beating next closest competitor "Dancing" by a margin of 94 percent in that metric.
But the erosion of "Idol" this season, which has struggled amid the departure of longtime host Paula Abdul and the pending exit of Cowell, is undeniable, with the show dropping 13 percent from last week's episode.
And that's not a good thing, considering that April 17 broadcast was off 17 percent from the comparable week in 2009. a glitch spark the stock plunge?
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A spine-chilling slide of nearly 1,000 points in the
The slide, which in one 10-minute stretch knocked the index down nearly 700 points, may have been triggered by a trading error. Major stock indexes eventually recovered from their 9 percent drops to close down a little more than 3 percent.
But the follow-through selling that pushed stocks of some highly regarded companies into tailspins exacerbated concerns that regulators can quickly lose control of the markets in a world of algorithmic trading.
High-speed trading, which uses sophisticated computer algorithms based on specific scenarios to automate transactions at speeds in the millionths of a second, now accounts for about 60 percent of U.S. equity volume.
"The potential for giant high-speed computers to generate false trades and create market chaos reared its head again today," Senator Edward Kaufman said in a statement.
"The battle of the algorithms -- not understood by nor even remotely transparent to the Securities and Exchange Commission -- simply must be carefully reviewed and placed within a meaningful regulatory framework soon."
continued... Consumers most powerful
WESTLAKE VILLAGE, Calif., May 5, 2010 (GlobeNewswire via COMTEX) ----The power to transform the world's economy and end the current recession is in the hands of U.S. consumers, says author Barr McClellan in his new book
"Made in the USA" offers an insightful, timely and thought-provoking look at the economic decline of America and its clearly identifiable causes. McClellan explains how the loss of USA- based manufacturing jobs to overseas suppliers not only exports consumer dollars but undermines the American economy. His solutions range from the closing of governmental loopholes and tax incentives that encourage the outsourcing of jobs, to simply asking American consumers to buy products that are "Made in the USA".
The book has been published by Hannover House, the media division of Target Development Group, Inc., and released in America in association with Publisher's Releasing Organization, a unit of Empire Film Group, see more...