Monday, November 15, 2010

If You work for Disney and Text & Drive, You May be Fired

Disney Company sent out a memo to its employees because they are updating their "vehicle safety policy" In which the policy prohibits Disney employees who drive in company cars and private cars while on company business from sending and reading texts or e-mails while driving.
If you care about your job and want a paycheck, then sending and reading messages can wait.


ashumphrey said...

Can I just say that this is awesome!! I love this because instead of them just expecting their employees to obey the law they're going to make sure of it. I also think that this shows that they care about their employees. My only thing is how are they going to know if they text and drive? Do they have cameras in the car? Good idea anyway!

S. Hamilton said...

I must agree with this, this is definity a great idea. I don't really know how they will no differently, but it does show that they care a great deal on how they employees operate. Not to mention, Disney is a huge brand, it they have a lot of influence on others, so this might just catch on for others to do.