Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Television Station gets pulled from DirecTV

According to tvbizwire.com the G4 tv station was pulled from the DirecTV listings , as of November 1, 2010. The station being pulled airs a variety take on a very popular gaming aspects and lifestyles. The G4 station is owned by cable giant Comcast. Comcast said that DirecTV was not paying the extra money Comcast sees that the channel is worth. With all of the hullabaloo surrounding the sell of NBCUniversal to Comcast will this put a damper on the relations between DirecTV, or is this just a tiny glitch that will not have any lasting affects? Only time will tell.

1 comment:

Gracie said...

I love that channel and I feel bad for everyone that doesn't get to watch it. You get so much tech talk and learn about movies and other media. Direct TV is going lose a lot of viewers with that move.