Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Facebook: The Movie

Most of you have probably heard about or have seen the new movie about Facebook called "The Social Network." Just recently someone was telling me he wanted to see the Facebook movie..I was actually very surprised to hear a movie already came out about it and my first impression was "that sounds horrible" so I wanted to look up some articles to find out what it was actually about...whether it focused on the man who created it and his life, or if focused on specific characters who use Facebook. I googled the the movie title and clicked the first link, which was the official website for the movie- didn't tell what it was about but had a couple of video clips and after watching them it seemed to be a story that focused mainly about the founders. I heard it was a pretty good movie, but because I don't like Facebook that much (even though I have a page) I'm not going to see it...maybe I'll watch it once it leaks onto the Internet. I'm sure Facebook consumes enough of people's lives as they stay on the Internet all day and now Facebook is bringing people to the theatre. An article on CNN showed some survey results on how people felt about Facebook (site) after seeing the movie. It found that most young people who saw it tend to like Facebook more, but it was just the opposite of older generations. I don't really think opinions of the movie will change people's opinions about the site...but I do wonder how Tom (from myspace) feels about this.

1 comment:

ashumphrey said...

I in a way want to see this movie, but I've been hearing that a lot of the movie is fabricated, so it's basically just like any other movie. I think it would be interesting to see it just to say you saw it but other than that I don't think it's worth however much it costs to see a movie these days, (you can tell I'm broke).