Monday, April 5, 2010

3-D is the Future for Movies,9171,1886541-1,00.html

3 of the top 5 grossing films out right now are in 3D (Alice in Wonderland, How to Train your Dragon, and Clash of the Titans). James Cameron says if the technology were around earlier, he would have filmed Titanic in 3D, and says all of his future films are going to be in 3D. George Lucas want to re-release Star Wars in 3D, and big name directors like Steven Spielberg and Peter Jackson are both planning films in the third dimension.

A few weeks ago we laughed in class about owning a 3D television, but is that so far out of the question? If the movie companies are moving toward this new medium, is it such a stretch to imagine yourself sitting at home with the family, watching your favorite movie in 3D, right in your living room? And of course, wearing those super-cool glasses?

Thoughts? Comments?


amiller said...

I do not think this is so far out of the question. Most companies like Sony, Samsung, and many others are starting to make predictions about how many 3D TV sets they will sell and the prices of the 3D TV sets. Some of the prices include the "cool" glasses while others you have to pay more to get a second pair of the 3D glasses. In the article "DisplaySearch Ups TV Forecasts, As LCD, 3D Get Sales Boost" it makes the forecast 3D sets will sell up to 2-3 million units world wide with half of the 3D TV sets being sold in the United States.
I think within the next few years 3D TV sets will be common in the average household.

brekp said...

I dont believe this is far fetched at all. look at history, when the telephone came out people were skeptical because the thought of being able to talk to someone and have them hear and talk to you was crazy. So it took several years for the telephone to become popular. This was the same when television came out with color channels. I believe if I'm correct Color TV came out in the early fifties but did not become popular until the sixties and seventies. The point is that it always takes time for society to get used to new technology. I think with the new advances in technology HD TV, Blueray ect. It's not far fetched at all, in the eighties no one ever thought we would be able to carry computers in our pockets and now look at things like the Kindel, Ipad, netbooks, itouch, iphone. Time will only produce even cooler technology.

KathleenHouse said...

With technology advancing at such a rapid pase, I do believe that this was going to come about sooner or later. The question that came about in my head was why now and why create it with so little advertising before it was released. I did not see or hear about such a television till it was already here and was surprised that it was not advertised more. The whole revealing of this technology had been overlooked in my opinion due to its "not really special" aspects because it is just 3D but I think the companies like Samsung and Sony are not really worried about necessarily advertising as they are actually saying they have that technology. This has become a problem in technology in my opinion, and that is that companies tend to brag more then they actually sell and promote the product. I would never buy one of these television sets but I also do not prefer the 3D movies like some others do im sure. What I wonder about this product is what kinds of pre-research they did to see if it would be successful and how will it effect the overall company in the economic situation.....

Scotty said...

I am still questioning whether this is a fad or not. For me, 3D is not a big sale. My wife and I went to see How to Train Your Dragon this week and we opted to see it in 2D. Personally, I don't want to pay the extra money for the extra dimension. It also gives my wife and I headaches.
For my own movie going future, I hope 3D doesn't become the standard.

deniz said...

I fell somehow what Scotty thinks. 3D is just so popular recently because it is new and because of the higher rates, they started release more and more 3D movies. Except Avatar movie, I did not really see the difference 3D for the other movies as well. I also hundred percent agree with Scotty about glasses make my ears hurt and I don't fell very comfortable. I also hope 3D movies are doesn't become the standard.

wbhodges said...

Owning a 3D television is definitely not out of the question. Just like other advances such as flat screen televisions, HD channels, and DVR's, it will take time to catch on with a majority of viewers but there will come a point when the "newer" features of television are standard issue. This is a phenomenon that has been seen time and time again.

The persistant push for movies to be produced with 3D capability is a necessity for survival in my opinion. With movie prices skyrocketing (including 2D) and the numerous options now available for consumers to access content without leaving their living room, this is a step to enhance the viewers experience and in turn continue to draw crowds at the theater. I agree with Scotty in that not every moviegoer will enjoy the "switch to 3D," but it is inevitable. Regardless of the dimension, the atmosphere of the theater is one that cannot be duplicated and will always draw crowds.

Corey Lawson said...

I believe it's like the next 'DVD' or 'blu-ray' disk. I don't think it's too crazy to say it will be really popular in the very near future. Movies are definitely moving to that medium and its already becoming a huge thing. 'Clash of the Titans' wasn't even originally filmed in 3D, and just to compete with the trend, they went back in the edit and converted it to 3D format (which is why the 3D looks so crappy in it). But yes, I think it will definitely be the next big thing.

Corey Lawson said...

I believe it's like the next 'DVD' or 'blu-ray' disk. I don't think it's too crazy to say it will be really popular in the very near future. Movies are definitely moving to that medium and its already becoming a huge thing. 'Clash of the Titans' wasn't even originally filmed in 3D, and just to compete with the trend, they went back in the edit and converted it to 3D format (which is why the 3D looks so crappy in it). But yes, I think it will definitely be the next big thing.